Team Shelby Great Lakes Region NEWStangs Chapter

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Team Shelby Great Lakes River Run. Lacrosse Wisconsin August 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th 2024

From ancient bluffs to unique bridges – Home to breathtaking landscapes, historic monuments and downtowns, world-famous destinations, and legendary parks and for one special weekend, a dose of venom. All Fords from the Model T to the Ford GT as well as other Shelby vehicle welcome. Details will follow.

Stay tuned.........

N.E.W. Stangs Chapter.

We are the new kids on the block (no pun intended). The N.E.W. Stangs are a mustang club that was founded by John Boucher, John strived to make the club fun, and always went out of his way to make you feel like you belonged, no matter what type of Mustang you had. Unfortunately, John lost his battle with cancer in 2015, John’s wish was to have the N.E.W. Stangs live on and grow.  I am sure he would be pleased to see how far we have come.

When Art Potter, the Wisconsin Director for the Great Lakes Chapter, approached us about becoming a regional chapter, we were hesitant as first, but he assured us that the intent was to work together and grow. Being part of Team Shelby has been a great experience for us and our Mustang family. We are looking forward too many more years of being part of this great club and look forward to growing with Team Shelby.

One of our members posted on Facebook, there is no better way to honor Carroll Shelby than to join his club, and we are very grateful for the opportunity.

2021 Team Shelby Freedom Tour

2021 Team Shelby Freedom Tour

2021 Team Shelby Freedom Tour

Gary Patterson signing Rick Kroening's car

Gary Patterson signing Hailey Kroening's car

Gary Patterson signing Deb Kroening's car

Gary Patterson, Hailey, Debbie, Rick Kroening

Gary Patterson, Jon Paplham and Kim Westphal

Hailey Kroening with signed Carrol Shelby Print

Central Rod and Bike Show 2023

Central Rod and Bike Show 2023

Central Rod and Bike Show 2023

Central Rod and Bike Show 2023